
Don't take advantage of what's shared today

there is no promise that love will stay.

Treasure each moment that remains

might be here for now then gone again,

cherish the magic of their smile, their humor, or message of cheer

its' the blessing of God to have them near.

As has been said, "you never miss your water till your well runs dry"

its' hell when you can't find the tears that you desire to cry.

There's a golden, glistening, gliter in the sound of laughter,

there is also the dark, drab, dryness in the gallows of loliness.

The goodness of having someone is no mistake,

its' the best of all goodness' sake,

with this even a loner can relate.

So, I say to you, or maybe even you,

tis no good reason to ever be blue

embrace that someone who is tried, faithful, and true.

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This one is my favorite out of all of them.
It is also very true.
Some people travel through life searching for what they would like to call destiny or fate.
I believe that these things are brought to you through God.
~Love~ comes with many things, joy, hope, pain, laughter, tears, Missing, understanding, faith, and so much more.
Sometimes these things put us to work a little harder that we think it should be.
The trials, tribulations of love, life and living are all on a rough road with alot of bumps and potholes.
Filling in those potholes and removing those bumps one at a time is a hard task but, when set to mind that this is what you want the task is less drawn out.
There are two yous, and two i's.
There is you then there is your soul, your concience is not always right but your soul knows what is really meant to be.
Smile my friend there are brighter days to come.
Harder tasks to complete, and rougher roads to travel.
Be at peace with yourself and your surroundings for only you know what is right and what is meant to be.

My deepest sincerety,