If I give only a part of myself to others I may be withholding that perfect gift.

If I save the best for last I may not be around to enjoy the benefits.

If I tread softly then that tiny whisper of hope may not be heard.

If I only give away what I have left I may miss the blessing of the first fruits.

If I always wear a mask then I will only end up with superficial relationships.

If I allow negativity to cloud my view I may end up in fog that will keep me from rising above it.

If I view life from a narrow point of view I may not get the whole picture, which could end up being a masterpiece.

If I fall down and don’t get back up then I am giving up not only on myself  but life as well.

If I only do things to get personal glory then that will most probably be my final reward.

If money is my priority then I will put it before family, friends, and health, things money can’t buy.

If my friends only say good things about me then I am the one who is always wearing a mask.

If I want something then I visualize it as already happening and set my goals and make it happen.

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This poem is brimming over

This poem is brimming over with profoundly spiritual wisdom!

BTW, I like your pen-name---very poetic.
