Nestled in fields of silky covered clouds,

Cuddled in blankets of color;

Azure wings enfolded, caressing softly.

Born in a warm feathered whisper of love,

These pattern-stitched companions

Are floating upon dusty eyes.

Capivated by their beauty,

Yet frightend that they might see into my soul.

Gentle rains bathe them,

Silent tears slowly drop from their pedals.

Fathomed but not forsaken,

Gentle breezes soothe their parched faces;

Stronger winds carry their seeds.

Forlorned with drifting majesty.

Longing to become one with nature.

Desiring to inhabit this place forever.


                Sarah Claudette Bratcher

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Karyn Indursky's picture

This poem is very beautiful with all of its images. I almost felt myself there and I couldn't help, but smile. It certainly brightened my day.