Miles away

The distance grows,
each and ever day.
The tears come down,
like the pouring rain.
Can't seem to find your
face, its lost with time.
Fall began quickly, with
the leaves changing.
Summer has gone away,
and so has your love.
I'm afraid with winter coming,
I won't make it out okay.
I need the warmth of your
body, to keep the cold away.
You need me too, it just
takes some time.
Our love might not be enough,
we have to wait and see.
If we are meant to be,
you will come looking for me.
The flowers will come again,
with the bright sunny day.
For right now, it seems we
can't make it past the clouds.
The waters will turn rough, for
everyday we can't see each other.
But lets not forget, it is our
love that brought us here.
With everything that has happened,I
have a gut feeling it is going to be okay.
My brain doesn't let my heart see,
or it might shatter like a glass.
I hope you keep your promise,
with the long months ahead.
You are my one, you are the
only one.
My heart belongs to you,
I hope it brings us luck.

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b4i8islept's picture


Such a lovely poem Sarah

allets's picture


As luck, the heart given and now missed and hoped for. I hope the beloved returns, those warm bodies touching seem really someing worth missing - Be well, Lady A