A little while

Little while

I wanted it to be true, just for a little while
But it couldn't be, you can't sprint every mile
I took a leap of faith and hit the ground
I thought I could break every rule, hold her hand and dance round and around
I stripped my clothes, shed my skin, stood there naked and vulnerable
I looked up and everything began to crumble
I was confidence and I was pride
I was unashamed, with absolutly nothing to hide
I flew while falling, 
descended while ascending, 
cried while laughing, 
loved while hurting

I feel courage, I feel fragile
I felt brave, but only for a little while
Fragile is a broken leg
You can still stand on one 
Fragile is a body
Be naked with every fear gone

I can still smile, even if for a little while
I can still laugh, at reality that can be vile
I think I'm beautiful, because my ugliness makes it so
I think I'm perfect, because this world will always think no

I really don't know what I'm trying to say, but I feel better than before
I'm still innocent and naive, being awake is starting to be a bore
I sound very emotional, like a widow in denial
I guess we all have a weak moment, if just for a little while

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Just venting

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ashes_theartofburning's picture

Vent more.

You should vent more often if such writings are spawned from a creative mind.

Favorite Lines:

"I flew while falling,
descended while ascending,
cried while laughing,
loved while hurting"

What a punch to my stomach for all the breath has left me.
Brilliantly done.

"We are, Each of us angels with only one wing, and we can only fly by embracing one another." -Luciano De Crescenzo

Shin's picture

I really appreciate that

I really appreciate that

TheShadowKnows's picture

haha, vent more often! I

haha, vent more often! I thought it was quite good.