The Mirage-Target

How long can Do we pretend to be aplomb? How far can we be the support of others including ourselves? Repeated acting with ourselves and our happiness and pretending to be happier has become a common trend over social media and sometimes in our daily bread and butter life we mingle those feelings as well. We are basically captivating ourselves within the bitter castle we had prepared for our happiness. We are running towards a mirage of happiness. We are rushing sometimes to a target which is not at all diaphanous to us. We pretend to be sure but we are not.


Happiness indeed lies within our territory. It is our perspective that we need to work on and we need to sharpen a bit. We have lost ourselves in our daily circumferential life in such a manner that we are typically drowning in it. No matter what, how much effort we are giving to make ourselves happy, we end up with a bit of frustration when we think our ‘mirage target’ is still far away. We need to stop rushing towards anything that we are not aware of. We need to cherish those little things that indeed give us real pleasure out of no extravagant things and merely costs nothing. Little acts of hobbies can refresh our minds and make it a suburb of happiness. Ask yourself what do you do for yourself? For your very ownself? Do you really hear any answer?   

Author's Notes/Comments: 

5 july 2021

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deep wisdom


deep wisdom in these words.. some people take eons it seems to learn

these truths  I hope you will translate more of your poetry  Thank you for being on the website