Me Being Sad (Again)

How come you said you'd be there for me when I needed you,

Then when I needed you, you weren't there?

How come you made all these promises to me,

And not one of them did you keep

How come all you can talk about around me is

How we are such good friends  

And how we'll be friends forever

Then one day just like in a blink it all fades away

Where were you?

When I needed you

you weren't

Stop pretending

Stop the lies

Just tell me the truth for once  

You don't know me

So stop saying how much we are alike

When the truth is we aren't at all

I am tired of trying to be someone I'm not

How can I be something, when to you I am nothing?

It's true

I am simply nothing

So why do you argue with me over it?


They are all lies

I feel so apart

So alone

So trapped

I knew this would happen sooner or later

And it did…

Author's Notes/Comments: 

i seriously dont know why i havent deleted this stupid poem..oh well

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valan's picture

shay~ you're right, all those people who are never there for you.. i promise i will be though, now and forever. u mean a lot to me.

saiom's picture

the mistakes
in relationships
are rungs
on the ladder we climb
to find our soul mate