The Screen

Bright, Captivating, Informative, Plastic, Cold. Everywhere.

Look away, take a breath, eyes refocusing again.

When the necessity is done, you’re once more on Earth.

Quickly look back, before you realize

Where you are. What you are doing.

Who you are with. Who you are not with.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Computer monitors, televisions, tablets, iPods and iPhones. At home, in your pocket, laying on the table, plugged in next to your bed. The screen is everywhere and is taking over lives; even as a teenager myself I can recognize that interactions are not meant to be through electronic devices. Relationships have grown cold and impersonal.  

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Cold And Impersonal

Where have I heard that before - Oh - Alvin Toffler "Future Shock".Throw away relationships as a concept stuck in my head from his writings. The impact of technology will give rise to permutations and deformities of the human condition - the future is always scary. I write sci-fi and the now is kinda scary too.  Not if, but when it all collapes because the wealthy 1% desires to be empoverished and start exploiting all over again - from a different country that hasn't fallen yet, preferably, your words will prove prophetic. "...eyes refocusing..." It is inevitable as the future always is. Great write :D ~Star~
