
Lost and alone,

I have to wander this world with no one to guide me.

Why did you have to leave me here alone?

Why couldn’t you take me with you?

It hurts so badly with out you.

I miss you so much.

I never even knew you.

I don’t remember you.

I don’t remember one smile,

One kiss,

One laugh,

One hug.

I need you more than you’ll ever know.

I’ll never know what it’s like to be tucked in bed by you.

I’ll never know what it’s like to have an argument with you.

I’ll never know what it’s like to have a heart to heart with you.

For the longest time,

I’d never been to your grave.

Not because I didn’t want to visit you,

Because my father moved us so far away from you.

Like he was trying to escape from you.

From your memory.

But for me,

There were no memories.

Only stories that he was reluctant to tell me.

When ever I asked,

He could never find any similarities between us.

He acted like he didn’t want to.

God, I love you.

I miss you so much,

That some times I can’t breathe.

I would have much preferred to have died instead,

Rather than being in this reality where you are dead.

Where I am alone and without you.

Of all the options that god had,

Why did he opt to leave me motherless?

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Tha Poetic Son's picture

This was a beautiful, very touching poem... I just read a few of your poems: But I had to comment on this one. Again, beautiful and touching piece. My condolences.

Peace and Blessings

Rabs's picture

Emotive poem, and it reads with passion. Its sad to think that you have to live without your mother. Inshallah she rests with the Almighty and he will ease your suffering too.