
I sit and notice the cars that pass me by.

The strangers inside with a life so hectic.

It is then I notice a friend.

But now not a friend at all.


How did a friend once so close become such a stranger.

When did I become to busy for my old friend.

Where did the time we spent together go.

Who have I become to allow this to happen.


Has life become so confusing that we disappear from eachother's life.

Are we to important to give our time to one another.

I cannot believe how things have changed so much.

I do not wish to believe that i have become just another stranger.




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allets's picture


work those words - welcome to pp ~~Lady A~~



scwoody's picture

yea i know it sounded weird i

yea i know it sounded weird i just couldnt get it right, and thank you for the feedback