Along the lines of Individual

When you speak intuitively
past the guise of your listener,
that's when boughs bend
and characters break.
Every petty speck of pilfered intent
falls seamlessly at your feet.
Little pieces of soul.
Little pieces are we.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

The secret to joy is disobediance.  -  A. Crowley 
Damn that wretched man and his ideas... 
Suppose it was inevitable.

For his creation, his ideas to be adopted and fostered.
Heres mud in your eye...

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Beatnik1979's picture

Very Clever

"Every petty speck of pilfered intent "


Very clever, indeed....sounds magical  as spoken words....

You never disappoint!

schmuckjones's picture

Thanks for stopping by

And leaving a word.  They've been few and far between lately. 

allets's picture

Every Joyful Moment

bent boughs and broken characters... "pilfered intent" is chuckle worthy. Beyond the guise is where poets live. Well said - Stella -