My Kryptonite



They say time heals all, 

But why is it harder eight years later?


It's like the years go by in a blink of an eye.

But each day is a constant reminder. 


A picture of you,seventeen, so young,so alive,

The face in that picture helps me heal.


In my mind your seventeen still,

my kryptonite,my superman, my guy.


The things you taught won't fade,

The song we sang on replay for days.


Those days may be gone,

But those memories are freash.


In my mind I go back,

To when you were here.


Eight years and it's killing me,

Eight years and I'm praying it's a dream.


@Sarah Faist 10-25-14

Author's Notes/Comments: 

For my friend, first crush, and them some. Mike Eichler <3

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Wow Sarah...beautiful job.

Wow Sarah...beautiful job. <3

RIP Mike...miss ya still my 'other son'