How can you love me

You said the best feeling in the world is loving someone you know loves you just as much only the other day,

You put these words on Facebook,

you tagged me so I would take a look,

Let me ask you how can this be?

Best feeling in the world would be not to have your hands tight around me, around my neck to a point I can not breath.

You even looked at me as you did it you said you wanted a knife and to kill me

Tell me this how can you feel love for me? 

The bruises on my body the pain you caused the constant ache inside are nothing compared to the bruises which are now scars on my heart

I suggested we be apart, only after you had said it, you said you don't want to be with me you said I made you do it.

You say a lot, you have hurt me before, this isn't the same love I have for you therefore i love you different a love so pure, I love you way much more

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