
You are my son

   The only one

You were here and now you're gone

   Time moves on

   We grow strong

Although there are days of recoil

I know you're gone

   I accept this fact

I just want the world to know

You are my son

   You are the one

Not was, not then, not before

You are, right now, and always will be,

My Son

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allets's picture

Heart Felt Write

Thank you.



and_hera_met_zeus's picture

Yes he is.

Yes he is.  All the wonderful things about him came from you and dad, and the way you raised him.  

Sandy11's picture

I have the very best family

I have the very best family ever. I like to think we did it all together. 

KindredSpirit's picture

You are Lucky

And/or Blessed.

Not Everyone can say that.

It is a Broken World.



You wrote this on my Son's BD

Sorry for your loss

Sandy11's picture

I am very blessed. Thank you.

I am very blessed. Thank you. Happy birthday to your son. Treasure your moments with him!