
I don't need any complications now

And involvement with you would mean that.

You know I can't go play hookey with you

I can't leave at the drop of your hat.

You ask what's wrong and can't we even talk.

Well, your closeness bothers me a lot

I'm not going to get into this again

I do mean it, believe me or not.

You say I'm denying my feelings now,

Well, I'm not denying anything.

I'm merely keeping control of myself

And will you please stop your grinning!

Fine! Fine! Alright. I will go out with you.

There's no reason for such a smug smile.

You'll soon be wishing you'd heeded me when

You see how easily I can rile.

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salphire5's picture

Thanks Tori. You are so good for me. I really enjoy your comments. I am off to enjoy reading your poetry now. You have a great Thanksgiving too. I really hope you do. : )

perception's picture

heh, this poem is pretty cute. I just love reading your poetry, even if you did wright about something cliche you always make it sound so diffrent and new. You have a really awesome ability.
I hope you have a great thanksgiving.