A Mist of Hope

Do I live in a mist of hope

Vision clouded, in a dreamy state?

I know I've been accused of this

Yet I find no reason to berate.

Better to always have some hope

Than to clamp down all feelings for naught.

Better to have expectations

Than to feel life with sadness is fraught.

Come now, join with me. Be happy.

Let hope with life intertwine for strength.

They are indistinguishable

And create intensity, with length.

I have a dream. I dream it now

And these days darling, you are in it.

I live with hope, I live with you.

Enthusiasm fills each minute.

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pkpbc1950's picture

A very inspirational piece.....Not only for lovers, but for everyone.

Enjoyed this one!

Your friend,

TREXPATTON's picture

For everyone, yes but if for a special one, then he is magnificently blessed, and I hope you two never outgrow your need to share love. Wonderful feelings here expressed.

"Poe" I'm not, nor "Rich" am I,
but I'll be famous, b'ye and b'ye !