Can't Fail

If you knew you could not fail

What great thing would you attempt to do?

Adopt all orphaned children?

Save all the animals in the zoo?

Reconcile differences

Between you and your kith and your kin?

Learn to open your heart wide

And to now let all your brothers in?

Build a modern skyscraper

All the way up to the far heavens?

Climb the stairway to the stars?

Build number systems based on sevens?

Find a way to feed the world?

Have peace reign through this fragile earth?

Build a bridge o'er the ocean?

Learn to love yourself for your true worth?

Now, go out and attempt this.

Believe that you cannot fail. Be strong.

For God has great faith in you

And we all know that He isn't wrong.

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Anette Gurbatri's picture

Fluer, you’ve asked some tough questions but your last verse wraps it all up nicely. Oftentimes we are afraid to take chances, fearing failure. Yes, we can undertake any task set forth before us, but we first have to believe in ourselves and God to guide us along. Great rhythm and beat.

salphire5's picture

Can't Fail

Thank you  for your comment Anette. I appreciate your understanding and appreciation .