74 Ways The Republican Party Is The Party Of More Cruelty To Animals

Animal Rights




Whether one is Democrat, Green, Libertarian, Socialist, Republican or other, the Republican Party is the party of the most animal cruelty.  Please in November vote out every Republican congressman

And those Republican senators among the third of the Senate up for reelection.



Every GOP senator except the ailing Izakson who was 1 of 2 remaining senators who cosponsored the brutal AETA legislation which criminalizes videotaping of factory farms, slaughterhosues, etc. voted to invade hibernation dens to murder bear cubs. No Democrat did.


13 state attorneys general, all GOP, claim states have a right to torture chickens in tiny cages and have sued Massachusetts over its

law requiring that eggs in Mass be sold from chickens in less cruel cages. The 13 are AL AR IN LA MO NB ND OK SC TX ut wv WI.




The 13 are

AR Leslie Rutledge R

IN Curtis Hill R

LA Jeff Landry R

MO Josh Hawley R

NB Doug Peterson R

ND Wayne Stenehjem R

OK Mike Hunter R

(before him Scott Pruitt sued CA over same issue)

SC Alan Wilson R

TX Ken Paxton R

UT Sean Reyes R

WV Patrick Morrisey R

WI Brad Schimel R



Every GOP senator except ailing Izakson voted to invade hibernation dens to murder bear cubs. No Democrat did.





11 of 12 state attorneys general who sued California over its egg law

were Republican. Only Iowa of cruelty enforcers was a Dem AG






Trump & GOP: Republican Party Of Animal Cruelty, War, Execution & Denial Of Human Rights







The 13 are

AR Leslie Rutledge R

IN Curtis Hill R

LA Jeff Landry R

MO Josh Hawley R

NB Doug Peterson R

ND Wayne Stenehjem R

OK Mike Hunter R

(before him Scott Pruitt sued CA over same issue)

SC Alan Wilson R

TX Ken Paxton R

UT Sean Reyes R

WV Patrick Morrisey R

WI Brad Schimel R




11 of 12 state attorneys general who sued California over its requirements that eggs sold in the state be from less tiny factory farm cages were Republican. They were Alabama, Arkansas, Indiana, Iowa, Louisiana, Nebraska, Nevada, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Utah and Wisconsin. All had Republican attorneys general except Iowa, which has a Democrat. Only Iowa of cruelty enforcers was a Dem AG

One of the 12, before he began destroying all of the US, was Scott Pruitt.






Every single Republican senator except the ailing Izakson voted to invade hibernation dens to murder bear cubs. No Democrat nor Independent did. The vote was 52 to 47. Izakson himself and Inhofe of Oklahoma introduced unconstitutional legislation called AETA which criminalizes animal protectors' videotaping

of the torture of animals in slaughterhouses, factory farms, fur farms, animal research labs etc. Trump in April 2018 signed the bill into law.



In the House, 225 Republicans and 5 Democrats voted to allow hunters in a 'national wildlife refuge' to invade hibernating mother bears'

dens to murder their babies.



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IV Are the hunters who stalk tiny doves in the woods a form of pedophile? Trump nominated a dovehunter, Meo; Gorsuch, to the Supreme Court.

V Only 4 of 50 governors have murdered prisoners as of April 27, 2018. in the barbarism called execution. All are Republican. They are Greg Abbott of Texas, Rick Scott of Florida (running for the Senate), Kay Ivey of Alabama and Nathan Deal of Georgia. It is they and the 5 unelected

Republicans on the Supreme Court (Roberts, Thomas, Gorsuch, Alito and Kennedy) who have kept unconstitutional executions continuing in the US.

Not until 1913 was the right of citizens directly to elect US senators acknowledged. The United States will not be a democracy until citizens'

right to elect Supreme Court and federal judges is acknowledged. Until that happens 5 Republican men can derail the wishes of the vast majority of 360 million Americans.

VI Paul Ryan fired the US House chaplain of the House because he prayed for the poor.

VII Ryan Zinke who insists that the flag be hoisted when he is present in his office has defied a federal court order

regarding his unconstitutional action in turning grizzly bears of Yellowstone over to Utah, a state dominated by Mormons heavily invested in animal slaughter industries. Utah has heinous factory farms and promotes hunting.

VIII Greg Abbott, executing governor of Texas, is distributing 5 billion federal $ for hurricane relief not to the

neediest but to wealthy homeowners.

IX The Republicans in the Senate have approved torture advocate Trump's nomination of an advocate of torture, Mike Pompeo to be Secretary of State. Trump hopes that Gina Haspel who waterboarded prisoners at illegal CIA rendition sites will become the head of the CIA.

X Donald Trump ran as a peace candidate but since installing himself in the White House has unconstitutionally and in violation of international law bombed or authorized other violent acts in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Niger, Somalia, and Yemen. He won neither the popular vote nor the electoral college. States such as Ohio had Republicans like Jon Husted violating the rights

of Democrats to vote. Husted removed several hundred thousand Democrats, Greens, Liberatarians etc from the voting roles. The Kansas Republican Party with fraudster Kris Kobach as Kansas Secretary of State. was another example of denial of the franchise to nonRepublicans.


How does the minority GOP Party win elections?

Ninety of the criminal ways


XII cormorant slaughter by Trump's US Army Corps of Engineers


XIII from the ZinkeLinks article at AP

1. Zinke coordinated the passing of a bill which made it
legal for stalking hunters to murder bear cubs in their dens.
Every GOP senator but ailing Izakson voted for it. Not a single
Democrat or Independent did.
2. Zinke is working to have offshore drilling off of every Atlantic state. To accommodate Trump's Mar A Lago and executionergovernor Rick Scott's tourism business he exempted Floridaand is being sued by some other states. All marine mammals, reptiles, fishes, coral are endangerd by this.
3. The slaughter of 90,000 wild mustangs and their roundup by
helicopters has gone ahead despite objection by 80% of the public.
4. Zinke is an avid hunter and like Roy Moore likes to travel a lot on the back of a horse. Less than 5% of the country are
hunters, some for meat, others for trophies. An examination of
serial killers in our country reveals that over 90% of them were
taught to kill in hunting, lab research on animals, slaughterhouses, or war. Dept of Interior press releases indicate he wants to extend hunting. it follows that if he is successful there will be more psychopaths.
5. In bringing hunting for the first time into our national park
sanctuaries and helped by the congressional (blood)sportsmen's caucus, (something Senator Rob Portman tried to do in the Bush
administration) he is terrorizing animals through stalking hunters,
and endangering the lives of all those who live near the park or work in it, to endanger visitors to the park.
6. Zinke is trying to end federal protection of the giant redwoods called sequoia, massive sentient pillars several millennia old, habitat for many animals.
7. Zinke is working to eviscerate NEPA in order to remove public power from his plans to give oil, deforested timber, minerals and ranchers federal lands at pennies on the dollar.
8. Zinke claims to want to prevent forest fires, but he is raising prices for entrance to national parks while reducing the costs of ranchers' grazing which deforests lands removing raininvoking trees
9. Wilderness Watch and others sue Zinke over plans to build a road in Izembek which was designated by law as wilderness.
10. Zinke rolled back hydraulic fracking regulations, and in
so doing endangered all people, animals, birds, fishes
and reptiles through poisoning the watershed and causing
earthquakes (Pruitt's OK has had 5000. Mike DeWine's OH has
had over 1000.)

XIV 57 Of Many Ways Donald Trump Harms Animals


Donald Trump: The Many Ways He Harms Animals From the animals he's bombed in 4 countries to the veal he serves in restaurants, Trump has killed millions of animals.


Trump in March of 2017 killed 1000 civilians and millions of animals in bombings in Mosul, Iraq, Afghanistan, and Yemen. In April he added to his violent record with

over 50 misxsile strikes in Syria, acting without congressional approval. In addition he dropped what was called 'the mother of all bombs' costing 16 million dollars (while he cut aid to famine torn Africa) on the innocent people, vulnerable animals and fragile environment of Afghanistan.


Trump's record re animals: a partial list:


1. Two of Trump's sons are trophy hunters. In 2017 one of his sons celebrated Earth Day by shooting innocent prairie dogs

2 Trump started up Trump Steaks which failed.

3 Trump's subordinates erased the entire USDA lab inspection

data base (inspection of cruel animal torture research labs)

4 His daughter Ivanka uses the fur of murdered rabbits, skins of murdered cows in her clothing and shoe lines. (Her sweat shops in China have 62 hour shifts and low pay)

5 The hunter dominated National Rifle Assoc. gave Trump support

6 Because Donald Trump before 90 days had gone by had already illegally immorally and unconstitutionally bombed 4 countries (Yemen, Iraq, Afghanistan, and Syria) he continues the mass animal slaughter of wars in which animals are bombed, crushed by tanks, seized to be eaten,abandoned by refugees etc.

7 Trump's appointment, Ryan Zinke to Dept of Interior is a former Navy Seal who enjoys stalking innocent animals in the woods and then murdering them. He and has harmed many species since taking office.

8 Countless mammals, birds, fishes are murdered for Trump restaurant food. a. veal obtained by electroshocking mothers away from their baby calves before killing the calves b. He and Mitt Romney dined on the severed legs of frogs at Trump Towers. c. At Mar a Lago Trump provides caviar ripped from the ovaries of sturgeons.

d. Countless chickens pigs and cows are in factory farms. Their stolen products

are served in Trump restaurants.

9 There are very few grizzlies left but Trump and Zinke want them no longer protected as they and senators like Rob Portman of Ohio work to bring hunters into the national parks, endangering children, tourists, those who live on the park borders, and the defenseless animals.

10 Trump appointed the US' main proponent of the mass slaughter of pigs,

the governor of Iowa, Terry Bradshaw, to be ambassador to China.

11 Trump has asked primate abuser Francis Collins to stay on as director of animal torture center, National Institutes of Health and is keeping vivisector of millions of animals Fauci there.

12 Trump was considering superhawk, chickenhawk and former meat lobbyist

John Bolton for the State Dept.

13 Trump responded to the pushing of Alaska senators Lisa Murkowski and Dan Sullivan by legalizing the murder of Alaska bear cubs and wolf puppies

14. Trump wants oil drilling, mining, tree killing in the national parks. If he wins, many animal bird and plant lives will be lost.

15. Trump reduces protections for marine mammals, turtles, fishes, octopi, coral reefs etc. He is working to end the protections of the Endangered Species Act nationally as well as ending the funding of state programs to protect endangered species.

While Rex Tillerson is better than other cabinet members, Trump nominated the former Exxon CEO (whose company many years paid no taxes, whose company never paid in full the Exxon Valdez oil spill fine) to head the State Dept. Now Trump wants drilling in the sea

16. Trump has allowed the Army Corps of Engineers to continue their mass slaughter of cormorants.

17. Trump's Zinke, head of the DOI, is portrayed as all cuddly by CBS for allowing dogs in the workplace.. no mention by CBS of his plan to murder bears

Any day now, US Fish and Wildlife will release a plan to end Endangered Species Act protections for Greater Yellowstone's grizzly bears and allow states to move forward with trophy hunts.

18. Trump has removed environmental protections for whales and sea turtles

19. He and Zinke have removed protections for Yellowstone bears

20. At Trump's golf courses, people are not allowed to drive golf carts on greens, endangering toads, butterflies etc. Trump ignores the rules.

21. Trump has broken his promise to rein in the pricegouging animal torturing drug companies.

22. His border wall if implemented would harm thousands of species of animals and plants.

23. As Trump, Pruitt and Bannon continue to dismantle the EPA, 20 years of secrecy

about DuPont's Chemours division poisoning animals and fishes of Cape Fear River

now poison Wilmington NC's drinking water.

24. Trump and Zinke are planning to reduce Olympia Washington national park's mountain goats. Murder of the goats is being considered.

25. According to the pig butchers' site pigprogress.net Trump before Nov 2016 was on record supporting ag gag laws and the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act

which criminalizes peaceful protest.

26. Before shilling for Trump,

Steve Bannon promoted Sarah Palin for president (Was he involved in convincing McCain to put her on his ticket?)


27. After Trump and Zinke opened up marine mammals, Yellowstone bears, Olympia Washington goats to slaughter and animal habitat to oil drilling, they plan to sell out wild horses.

28. There are very few grizzly bears left but Trump, Zinke, Rob Portman, senator from Ohio, the NRA want to open up the national parks to hunters. Hunters have killed into extinction countless species.

29. Trump nominated a dovehunter to the Supreme Court

30. Trump Zinke and USFWS rescinded Obama's ban on bringing ivory and other

trophies from elephant murder into the US

31 Trump's criminal neglect of Puerto Rico has killed people and animals who have died of thirst, lack of food and medical care

32. How is the Trump regime like the dairy farms receiving subsidies from the US govt? It separates mothers from their children through ICE, through repressive jailing of marijuana using mothers, and from women in the military killed in illegal immoral wars

33 Trump and Zinke promote trophy hunting of bison in Grand Canyon ... murder of bison and endangerment of tourists

34 Trump has promoted the animal torture budgets of NIH, the CDC, USDA, DOI, the Pentagon, the CIA, the Dept of Justice, EPA, Dept of Transportation, VA, and other agencies torturing animals in labs. In some way or other virtually every federal agency harms animals.

35 Trump has violated the Arctic wilderness sanctuary, as Henry Paulson of Goldman Sachs before him in regards to Nature Conservancy opening it to cattle ranches, by letting oil drillers into it. They poison the animals' watershed and destroy their forest habitat

36 Trump and GOP did not pass a single animal protection bill in 2017

There were five bills of which a majority of the House (Democrats and Republicans) approved, but House GOP didn’t approve a single animal protection bill in 2017.

37 Under Trump, FEMA during the Puerto Rican hurricane crisis was bringing in Vienna sausages, cheeses, and chocolate puddings..

(corrupt contracts)

38 When Trump and Ajit Pai of the FCC ended net neutrality, opening up censorship of

citizens and all internet users by huge corporations, they expanded the muzzling of groups which protect animals from vegans ti animal rescue groups.

39 Trump, Pruitt, Zinke and Perry have decided that 90% of US coastal waters will be subject to oil drilling, despite the fact that there are massive dead zones in which all the fish have died already in the Chesapeake and Gulf from BP's neurotoxin Corexit, from illegal nuclear waste dumping, insecticides, fertilizers, thousands of chemicals, illegal human waste dumping etc. This if it were to happen would slaughter trillions of fishes, as whale as countless whales, dolphins and other marine mammals. Trump has seen to it that Florida where he has Mar a Lago will not be included, only everywhere else.

40 The failure of Trump and his cabinet to provide sufficient aid to states with record breaking

numbers of fires from the summer of 2017 to the recent California fires has meant

the death of billions of mammals, birds, reptiles, bees, butterflies

41 Cliven Bundy and his 2 sons owe Americans 1 million $ in federal grazing fees...

It's time for Trump to end the support of climate extremes, human disease, and

mammal murder caused by meat. It's time to stop allowing federal lands to be used in that way.

42 Murdered animal cadavers under Trump's rule will be even more toxic to consume since

a. Trump's USDA has fewer meat inspectors and b. the USDA has fewer filthy and diseased meat and fish recalls

43 Trump,DOI Ryan Zinke, the NRA, Safari Club Int'l, trophy hunters, the Congressional (blood)Sportsmen's Caucus are working to have hunting in our national parks. Senator Portman of Ohio has also worked to endanger the animals and people in our parks.

44 Trump and Zinke have withdrawn Obama legislation which held utilities responsible for protecting millions of birds.

45 "At the bar of the Trump International Hotel in Washington, you can order a crystal spoonful of Hungarian wine for $140. Cocktails run from $23 for a gin and tonic to $100 for a vodka concoction with raw oysters and caviar. There’s a seafood pyramid called “the Trump Tower” that costs $120, or you can hit BLT Prime, a restaurant where the $59 salt-aged Kansas City strip steak comes with a long-shot chance of seeing the President sitting nearby." Alex Altman of Time Mag

46 Cliven Bundy and his 2 sons owe Americans 1 million $ in federal grazing fees...

It's time for Trump to end the support of mammal murder by allowing federal lands to be used in that way.

47 Trump's and Ajit Pai's removal of net neutrality allows internet giants

to censor animal rights and environment groups

48 Trump and Zinke work to allow loggers on federal lands. In the past these loggers have caused birds' nests to fall rolling away empty, their smashed fledglings or splattered eggshells on the ground.

49 a giant leap backward Trump and NASA do radiation testing on monkeys...

many years after the movie Project X was made about Dr Don Barnes' refusal to irradiate primates at Brooks Air Force Base

50 Trump, Ryan Zinke, Mick Mulvaney, and Brian Steed allocate over 1 billion dollars being subcontracted to cattle ranchers to terrorize wild mustangs hunting them with helicopters and sending them to slaughterhouses so that their presence doesn't bother big oil drillers and cattle killers.

51. In Sterling Virginia, Trump cut down 400 trees along the Potomac destroying animal and bird habitat when building one of his many environment destroying golf courses. (See NYTimes)

52 Under his nominee for the VA, Shulkin 'At the VA Medical Center in Los Angeles U.S. taxpayers have been funding a narcoleptic dog colony of Dobermans for the sole purpose of being given methamphetamine and then euthanized so their brains can be dissected.' *1

53 Money is diverted from veterans to animal torture. At yet another VA Medical Center, McGuire in Richmond, VA, dogs have pacemakers placed in them. Eventually the dogs are all killed. *2

54 Trump nominated Scott Pruitt knowing he was an executioner of prisoners and a wholly owned subsidiary of fossil fuel interests. In addition Pruitt sued to wipe out California's law giving chickens bigger cages.

55 Trump and Chao have been inactive in improving vegan options on Amtrak. He has been inactive in improving vegan options in all federal agencies.

56 Trump Zinke, NRA, Safari Club lobbied to invade mother bears' hibernating dens

and murder their bear cubs in a national park wildlife refuge in Alaska. Every single Republican senator except the ailing Izakson voted for it. Every single Democrat senator voted against it. Trump signed it into law in April 2018.

57. In his immoral unconstitutional violation of international law in

bombing Syria in April of 2018, Trump may have burned research animals alive in research centers.

58 Trump's Army Corps Of Engineers has once again taken it on itself to murder cormorants  Public outcry has changed the plan
  to invasion of cormorant nests to destroy their eggs. The Army Corps apparently thinks that only humans not cormorants should eat salmon.
  Cormorants have an excuse but humans do not for causing suffocation to innocent beings whose bodies are full of radiation mercury etc.
59. Trump's selection Sonny Perdue for the USDA sent through the gate to perdition by murder 1.3 million native animals in 2017
Trump's USDA murders 1.3 million native animals in 2017
60 Politico article: "Ronn Torossian’s firm is connected to Eric Trump Foundation. worked in defense of Iowa-based Kosher meat magnate Sholom Rubashkin, who would soon be convicted in federal court on dozens of fraud and money laundering charges
In December 2017 Trump commuted the remainder of Rabaskin’s sentence, the first time he has exercised that particular presidential power"
Dr Richard Schwartz, author of articles at jewishveg.  com/schwartz
 has said "Kosher meat is impossible to achieve.. there is always blood in the tiny
arterioles" (paraphrased)
61. Animal, bird and fish flesh, eggs and dairy cause more deaths in the US annually than war, traffic, cigarettes combined.
The Trump dominated CDC continues to lie saying that tobacco is the biggest killer and to focus on the 3% of food poisoning
fatalities caused by human handling or water and sewage contamination of vegetables rather than the 97% caused not by
external conditions but the intrinsic ecoli (colon bacteria) in all cadavers of murdered mammals, birds, and fishes,
or contamination of products containing milk or eggs.
62. Trump and Pruitt support filthy coal which kills miners in explosions, caveins, diseases such as black lung and emphysema.
Pruitt has reinstituted mountaintop decapitation with itsdynamite... it murders animals, destroys their habitat, poisons
their water, turns green carpeted mountains into muddy piles.
63.  Trump, Pruitt, Zinke and Perry support fossil fuels over solar, wind, thermal and other nonviolent energy systems.
Their promotion of oil for the Koch Brothers and other petroplutocratshe
a. chokes to death marine mammals, birds, fishes, turtles, octopi, coral etc with oil spills
b. They poison all the above with Corexit, a nerve toxin
c. They destroy animal habitat on land through drilling
d. They poison the watershed with oil spills and therefore poison animals etc
64. Trump's EPA has been inactive about 5,000,000
plastic straws distributed in the US daily... many end up in the sea
killing or harming sea beings. Pruitt has done nothing about the Texas sized island of never biograding plastic
between Hawaii and California which kills many sea creatures through suffocation or entrapment.
65. Animals as well as humans must breathe
Calif Wash and 13 other states and DC are suing EPA over reduction of air quality standards and emission standards in cars... which would make American cars less competitive in world market besides harming all beings who need air.
66 Trump's and Perdue's food stamp program kills and injures animals, people and the environment.
The program should be reformed... rather than subsidize animal murder and the human disease it generates, with concomitant health care costs, it is time for any resident of the White House Senate or House to promote fruit stamps
which could be used for fruits and vegetables, seeds, nuts, of infinite avriety.
67 Trump and Perdue of the USDA are wiping out Michelle Obama's healthy reforms to school lunches as they reinstitute
   more meat fish dairy sugar etc while ending a requirement of fruit and vegetables at every meal.
68 Trump and Pruitt are working to roll back wetlands protections... which if successful will harm birds reptiles and fishes while and further heating up the planet in summer
69  Trump picked animal killing vivisector Eli Lilly exec Alex Azar to head HHS...
after saying that he Trump wanted to campaign against pricegouging drug companies. Eli Lilly worked with Senator Bill Frist of United Health Care in the G W Bush administration to exempt drug companies from liability for deaths and injuries from their toxic vaccines.
70. Trump is working to make slaughterhouse lines faster and more dangerous... 'let them determine their own evisceratioe speeds'

71. Republican congressman Chris Collins, the first congressman to endorse Trump,  has been arrested for insider trading involving millions of dollars of the stock he had in an animal torturing drug co. Other Republican congresspersons invested in the vivisecting co. Innate Immunotherapeutics are Reps. Mike Conaway and John Culberson of Texas, Doug Lamborn of Colorado and Billy Long of Missouri –

72. Senator Claire McCaskill's opponent Josh Hawley sued to keep factory farm chickens in tiny cages. The suit objects to California's law requiring somewhat bigger cages for the imprisoned chickens sometimes kept 9 to a 1 ft by 3 ft cage.

73. TheTrump regime wants to force California to be involved in fracking which besides causing earthquakes (5000 in Oklahoma in 1 year alone, 900 in Ohio) also poisons the water of animals and humans.

74 When Democratic governor Corzine of New Jersey banned bear hunting, his Republican successor Chris Christie reinstituted bear murder as well as vetoing a bill requiring bigger crates for pigs. Governor Patrick Murphy a Democrat has ended bear hunting in NJ parks but has yet to end it statewide.








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