

In regards to Harvard University there are several categories:  


1. Those who went to Harvard and left

2. Those who went to Harvard and graduated

3. Those who never think of Harvard.

4. Those who were rejected by Harvard

5. Those who think Harvard is overrated, that many schools are better

6. Those who never left Harvard


1st group

1. Stanley Prusiner, discoverer of prions, left Harvard for Stanford

 because Harvard delegated his work to the back burner. Harvard was

 invested in meat stocks and was doing research for a group connected to the meat industry

 2. Leland and Jane Stanford were not given the time of day when

 they went to Harvard to contribute a great amount of money. instead

 they founded Stanford University.

3. Robert Frost, Matt Damon, Bill Gates etc.

4th group;

 Jack Ma, billionaire founder of Ali Baba, applied to Harvard 10 times and was never accepted. That turned out to be a blessing.

6th Group:  Many billions of animals were born in captivity

or bought from lab supply houses... and never left Harvard alive. Many are kept in underground laboratories, debarked or subjected to other laryngectomies. They are injected with poisons, and afflicted

with pain by vivisectors.

Harvard is truly crimson with their blood.

Joseph Coleman reported that at some labs the animals leae

asincinerator smoke.


Harvard has treated its work force badly.

 The university illegally applied eminent domain, seizing whole

   neighborhoods, bulldozing homes, some owners paid as little as

    $4000 for their homes.

 The university has cooperated for many years with the CIA. Harvard

 economists were involved in the destabilization of Russia's economy

 which was a factor in the breakup of the Soviet Union. The meddling

 has caused the enmity of Vladimir Putin.

 The 'prestigious university' requirement has eliminated many better

    candidates from judge and justice positions.

 The university is priced out of the range of many students' ability to pay

The university is invested in many unethical businesses.

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