What In Animal Flesh Harms Brain Function?


 Is the paleo diet the diet of small brain Neanderthals?

Shakespeare who in Venus and Adonis wrote "Thy body is a swallowing grave" wrote
in Twelfth Night "I am a heavy eater of beef. Methinks it doth harm to my wit."


How does meat or animal flesh harm the brain?

1. Animal fat clogs all arteries, including cerebral arteries, and leads to stroke and heart disease, the world's number 1 killer.
2. Amyloid plaque, a byproduct of animal protein, causes Alzheimer's or senility as it lines the cerebral arteries, cerebral cells, and all the arteries of the body.
3. Mercury reduces long range memory.. and is concentrated at rates of as much as a million to one in animal and fish flesh over its occurrence in water. Mercury is only one of many metals such as chromium, iron, lead, tin, as well as compounds such as arsenic,pcb's and pbb's in the ocean.
4. Prions: the work of Nobel laureate Dr Stanley Prusiner was put on a back burner at Harvard, which is invested in the meat industry. He left and continued his prion research at Stanford. Prions are a cause of Mad Cow or bovine spongiform encephalopathy, cervine spongiform encephalopathy (Mad Deer) etc.
http://www.mad-cow.org 7000 articles http://www.madcowboy.com
5. Monosodium glutamate MSG is not intrinsic to meat but is put into the muscle, flesh and nerve tissue of humans eating the MSG meat..It breaks down cells in meat as it also harms brain cells in those eating

animal flesh. It is called the Chinese restaurant headache cause. The FDA allows it in tens of thousands of varieties of canned food and meats under the d eceptive label 'natural flavors'.
6. Vitamin C: speeds up the flow of signals across nerve synapses in brain and elsewhere.. It is in all uncooked fruit.. and in no animal flesh or product.  It also bounces toxins from the brain and elsewhere in the body.
7. Hypoxia or deprivation of brain oxygen is caused by
a. animal fat occluding cerebral arteries
b. tryptophane, an animal flesh protein which generates sleepiness
c. animal protein digestion (a lion sleeps 3 days
after devouring a murdered antelope). Animal protein chains are very long and
are only partially broken down by cooking. A tremendous amount of blood is diverted from the brain to digest food in the stomach and intestines.
d. amyloid plaque.. a byproduct of animal protein... cause of Alzheimer's Disease as it lines and blocks the cerebral arteries

e. uric acid or trioxypurine, the pre-urine which would have been processed out of the animal's muscle cells and through his kidneys had he not been murdered. Trioxypurine is more addictive than dioxypurine, caffeine. Animal flesh eating is reality is an addiction.
8. Red blood cells:
Vegans and fruitarians have more red blood cells per cubic centimeter. Their blood is more purple. . More red blood cells means more flow of oxygenated blood to the brain.
9 No adrenalin

Adrenalin, a fear and terror hormone secreted by agonized
animals, is a long protein enzyme, some of whose links remain intact after cooking.. giving similar biochemical effects to meat eaters and interfering with concentration.

10. Fruitarians weigh on average the least of any group. In isocaloric studies
in which vegans, vegetarians and nonvegetarians were each given the same
calories daily for 3 months, the vegans weighed 23 pounds less than
nonvegetarians and 11 pounds less than dairy vegetarians. Obesity interferes
with brain function by reducing blood flow to the brain.

11. Most people if faced with a choice between a bowl of nuts or a piece of
flesh which had been unrefrigerated for 3 days would probably choose the nuts.
Animal flesh, a cadaver, develops billions of colon bacteria or ecoli within a
few hours of the animal's zooicide. Tens of millions of food poisoning instances
occur around the world annually. Battling the infections caused by cadaver
eating takes energy away from the brain. Every different piece of cow, pig,
lamb, chicken, fish, egg requires the immune system to fight the organisms of
yet another animal. MTD's, meat transmitted diseases, are more frequent and
dangerous than STD's.

12. Animal flesh causes more deaths annually through heart disease, cancer,
stroke, aneurisms, food poisoning, rheumatoid arthritis, kidney disease etc.
than tobacco, alcohol, and traffic accidents combined. Death permanently
unplugs the physical brain, though not the consciousness of the surviving soul.
Several life insurance companies have begun to give life insurance discounts to
vegetarians and vegans. A January 1973 National Geographic covered centenarian
tribes of the world (the Vilcabamba of Ecuador, Azerbaijans of the Caucasus,
Hunzas of Tibet and reported that they were all vegetarian. Hindu and Buddhist
vegetarian yogis and monks also have superior longevity.

13. The organic food movement is justifiably exploding around the world. A cow
who weighed 1000 pounds when she was murdered ate an average 21,000 pounds of
food. Most insecticides are not biodegradable. The concentrations of insecticide
in animal flesh, fish flesh and dairy are many times higher than in vegetables.
Many insecticides cause brain neuropathy, such as the chemical malaoxon (mal ox
or diseased ox?) formed from malathion which was proven to generate neuronal
(brain cell) injury. A Swedish study concluded that low-dose exposure to
environmental agents such as DDT, pyrethroids, organophosphates, nicotine,
paraquat and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) during the 'brain growth spurt'
can lead to irreversible changes in adult brain development.

14. Animal flesh takes 3 to 4 hours to digest in the stomach. It diverts blood
from the brain as this lengthy process continues.

15. Every disease of the body detracts from brain function. Animal flesh causes
more death annually than tobacco, alcohol, drugs, traffic accidents combined.
Diseases associated with animal flesh include heart disease, stroke, food
poisoning, more than 150 kinds of cancer, kidney break down (carnivores have 5
times our kidney size per pound), etc. etc.

What additives harm brain function?

1. Trash meats (hot dogs, bologna, sausages, sandwich spreads) are treated with
red dye, sodium nitrate, to hide the grey, brown and green colorings of animal
flesh. Fresh meat is an oxymoron since meat is parts of a cadaver. The sodium
nitrate in hot dogs which NPR promoted on June 26, 2012 in combination with the
animal protein of the meat form cancercausing nitrosamines. Lethal cancers end
brain function.
2. monosodium glutamate... MSG...the FDA which has not banned this "Chinese
Restaurant Headache Syndrome" chemical allows this animal flesh tenderizer
(because it
breaks down muscle cells and also brain cells) to be labeled 'natural flavor 3.
tens of thousands of pollutants in the water, air, soil

4. aspartame ... causes brain lesions... was originally developed by Searle as
an antkiller

This article does not delve into the animal agony and torture, the environmental
hazards of deforestation, forest fire, drought and famine, the energy waste and
myriad other effects of eating animals.

http://www.pcrm.org 7000 members nearly 1000 of whom are vegan MD's
http://www.vegsource.com Michael Klaper MD
http://www.vegansociety.org Stephen Walsh MD

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