Virginia Horror Story Of Patient Elder Abuse

 updated Feb 25 2022

God bless the Arlington government whose investigators have

appointed an independent temporary guardian.

Cast of characters:

L: the patient

A: the 'caregiver'

RB: a woman who has received $30,000 from L who saved her house

   and car for her. RB was angered to find she'd been left out of his will.

KK: hired the caregiver and promoted the idea of L's marrying kk.

GS; secret ringleader, stepfather to L's nephew.. GS has frequently

   called angrily demanding money

GK:  nephew who spoke to his uncle perhaps twice in the 5 years before his uncle's illness.

SH: highschool classmate who brought 2 people with him to badger

   L into signing over the power of attorney.

DI:  a woman who has given L footrubs in hopes he will accept her

   1 million $ offer for his 5 million dollar property.


Horror Story Of Patient Abuse has been updated.


L is a single digit millionaire . He has spent his life involved in unpublicized  acts of charity for others. He is weak from fighting cancer.  A caregiver, A, was arranged for him. One of the first things she announced to him was that she would be there until he died, though he had not indicated that he wanted her and though it is not something those struggling to be healed want to hear. She is Catholic and frequently attacked his beliefs.  He regularly attended a Methodist church and has an Indian guru. She would cover his guru's pictures with cloth and insult his spiritual beliefs. How many of his rare collection of spiritual books survive her disapproval is not known. L has bedsores because of her neglect. He has lost the use of

his hands because he has been given antidepressants against his will, antidepressants which are prodepressants, and which cause

tardive dyskinesia, permanent shaking. A has asked him frequently to put her

in his will and has lectured him about the evils of conserving money.

She wanted no other caregiver in the home.  L hates tv, but his

caregiver plays it 24 hours a day.


 He has lost weight, partly because she disrepects his vegetarian diet, serving him chicken which (once that chicken could be referred to as 'who' and not 'which') lies untouched on his plate despite her attempts to shovel it into his mouth. He who hired her is sovereign but she rides roughshod over him, not bringing him fruit juices or other foods when he requests them. It is not enough for her that she makes $240 a day plus room and board.



 She has been involved in his isolation, refusing to let many of his friends speak to him, denying admittance to his friends when they knock on the door.  His cell phone is often removed. His desire to fire her has not been honored.


His calls for help were ignored for 15 minutes while his 'caregiver'

 spoke on the phone with a relative.


 He is not married and has no children. KK wanted to marry him

as a way of having precedence over his money. Then there is DI,

who hoped that if she came and rubbed his feet he would accept her

offer of 1 million for property assessed at 5. His guru wanted him to leave most of his money for the poor of his own choosing, e.g. the many homeless people in his city.


 He has been surrounded by vultures who want his money, who have

 sent teams of 3 people to keep hammering him to assign to them his

 power of attorney. The invisible ringleader has been GS, his deceased sister's second husband some 12 years or so younger than his wife.  L worked for 60 years with his mother on

her business.  He was so devoted to her he never married. When she

died she left most of her assets to L. This

enraged GS, second husband of L's sister. GS filed suit to receive an equal share and has seen to it that his stepson, L's nephew, receives more money than

anyone else in the new will resulting from the power of attorney,

derived by badgering the weakened L night and day. These 2, GS

and his stepson GK have threatened to call the police on visitors,

have threatened restraining orders against RS, who has fought against their attempt to send L into hospice. In this they have been

aided by a huge health insurance company, whose doctors knows that hospices hasten death and cut down on insurance company costs.. This health insurance company and the

Gang of Six have tried to force L into signing a Do Not Resuscitate paper.


 Another of the vultures seized his Medical Power of Attorney.  She, RB, received over $30,000 from him when he

 was healthy and saved her home for her. But she was angry that

 she was not mentioned in his will and began a campaign of lies about

 the saintly woman who had been his friend for 42 years, the woman he trusted to spend his money on his projects, a woman who had never taken a penny from him. This second vulture RB was part of a group of 4 people who badgered him until they were

 included in his will.  Then she began to work to keep the money from

 going to the best medical care. She fought against a better health

 insurance plan. Most importantly, knowing he hated hospices and

 that he continued to fight against the cancer, she signed him up for

 hospice rather than a new operation technique which was noninvasive. She as well censored his visitors and his phone calls.


She threatened him that unless he went into hospice he could not have any pain relievers. Hospices try to hasten people's deaths, sometimes refusing them even water. She badgered him into signing a Do Not Resuscitate order, (as did a Kaiser health insurance paid doctor for reasons perhaps of cost reduction) and is pressuring him to sell his property at a fraction of what it is worth. She threatened to call the police

 if his friend did not leave, as she ignored the patient's telling her that

 was his friend.


 'The nephew who challenged L's mother's will has once again been

 moving in for financial control, not having called him for many years.

This nephew has given orders that if L's lifetime friend who flew in from California comes by to see him,

the police are to be called. If she responds to L's requet that she come in, the caregiver is to charge her with assault.



L has hundreds of friends who have been shut out by the few around him enforcing isolation.

 Those of us who love him pray that his wishes be honored, that the greedy unethical cast of characters be replaced, that he win the battle against cancer, and that after more years of painless life, he die knowing that his money will go to the poorest of the poor.





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