The Augean Stables Of Psychiatry


A friend killed himself after being told at age 21 that he
would always be schizophrenic. The hospital employed
psychiatrist who told him that was guilty of unintentional
murder. A second friend, subjected to electroshock 'therapy'
suffered memory loss.

Big pharma dominates the field of mental illness. Many doctors are given kickbacks for their prescriptions.  Antidepressants are most often prodepressants, and their packages have been required by the FDA to state that these medications can cause homicidal or suicidal ideation. They also cause memory loss, brain damage, impotence, weight gain etc. Those given such medications for a few months have a lifetime (no cure discovered yet) of tardive dyskinesia, the permanent shaking of hands and/or feet. It is a condition which

keeps some from the ability to write.

Hospital psychiatrists often break the law in not honoring
the patient's right to refuse medication, using coercion
such as threats that those who do not take the toxic
medications will have to remain hospitalized indefinitely.

Dr Peter Breggin has for many years written books on
some of the criminal aspects of the psychiatric profession.

Notable exceptions include Drs. Leonard Rack, Murray Cohen,
and Neal Barnard in the vegan animal rights movement, as well
as Dr Sam Sandweiss, chronicler of Indian spirituality.

There have been studies that a listening friend has the same or

better record of healing than mental health therapists.

(dedicated to Bonnie H, Nancy R, John L, John M, James L and tens of thousands of others who died as a result of psychiatric iatrogenesis.)

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