* 30 Poems About Grace

Short Poems

June 21st: .......... night's requiem is warbled by the robin's reveille
Each soul of God a ray Each with light He arrays Never a single soul
forever goes astray.
Cattails weave escape ladders for drowning bugs
while a friend's safety net of words.was enough to catch a falling star
Snow silent swift...as skydown softly sifts.... and turns cloud
gifts... into earthblanket drifts.
Through the night...miracles we did not see
.. icebergs of resistance slipped silent into the sea
Do rain arrows come from the rain bow?
As angels' inspiration descends it becomes clad in words.
The low river from afar is invisible
but its green line of disciple willows is visible
The woodpecker was able to make in the tree a nave
.. but only the sea's waves can carve sea caves
Jesus said to 'consider the lilies of the field.. they toil not nor
spin'. It is the sun which them spun.
The limehued silk of the corn.. each strand wand catches
the dew of the morn.
At the end of the season cornfields are downmown
The raintree remains secure in his throne.
As the river roared through the granite chute, it
fell onto 7 granite bowls...7 pools below 7 falls..
as shakti flows into the crown and then every other chakra
In earth's theatre, waiting in the wings
as he slowly sheds his angel's wings
sacrificing freedom, a great soul..
becomes a lovechild God you to bring
The raindrop slides down the lily leaves, taking none
of the jade from their green sleeves
To parched peach tree roots unbidden
come silent streams.. underground, hidden
Almighty is He who ignited the luster in each and every
graped cluster.*
He had a Harvard MBA degree and degree by degree
overcome by greed he had become Legree'd. Yet one sudden
day he saw.... that he and God were We'd.
Rainblessed, afoot! is a root.. the ailanthus grown a foot!
Arun arose awash in rose.. spreading His rays oer Aaron Rosen
All Beings His chosen
Into the stream fell a samara shower, a flotilla of lifeboats
in time for the struggling bug
It is good luck to feed birds in flight
that they need not slow down nor alight
The Grace rain follows dry river bed hollows.
Soon are new shallows.. then deeps do all hallow
A gathering of grey cloud mass.. communion rain for
animals birds bugs trees and grass
As desert shadows are more defined than those of the woods
so the separation between good and evil is greater there
Raincloud flotilla, float not idly by, but rend yourself
with lightning... that your grace fall from the sky
Past life lessons became whispers which turned to buttons keeping
my clothes on me.
Though a seeming physical impossibility,
the ark of each heart
contains every creature.
Some do not yet know it.


Footnote: to Rachel Cull whose aura 

is a silent teacher to others of boundless compassion
The sea assails the small schiff sails but by God's grace
the boat prevails
God's mercy is made manifest
in manifold mango and manna feasts

June 21 is to MSC
the 2nd d in dropp is not the writer's idea


Author's Notes/Comments: 

#28 is to the boundless compassion of Rachel Cull

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...And in your Heart, I see and Ark
where in dwell an affection for all
God's creatures. -ernest