Of Infidels, Hell, the Chosen and the Select

All Paths Are Holy


Some Muslims think Christians
are the infidel
Some Christians think Muslims
are going to hell
Some Jews think you're only
if a Cohen, Levi, Marx
or Rosen
Some Adventists think they're
the only elect
Some Hindus think they're the
most select

GOD honors all paths up the
mountain to God's heights
GOD honors all rivers'
paths to God's sea.

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jgupta's picture

This, wants me to become an untouchable. I am saved from all notions, set free from conflicts. My shadows do not criss cross, there cannot be anyone cross at me, thus having no grounds for a potential conflict which lead to kill.

twilight_stranger's picture

>_< I can't believe nobody critiqued this...
As soon as I read it I loved it.
It really is powerful and portrays all the different feelings that religious sections have, yet if they would all stop to realize that they were initially after the same thing... there really wouldn't be a conflict.

Thanks for an awesome poem.