

Cartoonists win awards for

distortion of the truth.

Advertisers win sales by

repetition of the truth.

Lawyers win client freedom

by selective angles of the truth.

Campaigners win elections

by mononotes of the symphony

of truth.

Writers win readers by poetic

  license with the truth.

Positive affirmers create new truth

  by speaking only of future truths.

Saints and masters see the

  indwelling divinity of all

  as the only truth.

The therapist and the priest are

  sealed about others' missteps on

  the path to truth.

The sea is spherical silence

  beyond all linear truth.

The mystic sees that only

  eternal love can be called truth.

Angels.. for those who always speak the

truth.. transform Pinocchio wishwords

into real boy reality.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Sathya is an over 20,000
year old Sanskrit term
for God as Truth, One
with God as Love, God
as Peace, God as Dharma

to Amod T and to
Michael Moore.
Thank you to Amod
for explaining waccha
siddhi and to EKB
for refining speech.

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Shashi Krishna's picture amazing depiction of the various forms of truth. It is true, "Sathya" has taken many forms in the day and age, but what matters the most is how truthful one is to onself. Well written once again.

jgupta's picture

I marvel at your beautiful truth through your portray of the same.