How Jesus' Soul Came To Mary




Like falling rain oer lilyleaf tripped
Like pure moon into bright cloud slipped
Like setting sun into calm sea dipped
did Jesus' soul come to Mary.

Like communion chalice sipped
Like the river oer fallsbrim lipped
Like dewdrop out of buttercup dripped
was Jesus' soul born of Mary.

(to Nancy M Wilson)

Author's Notes/Comments: 

11th Hour Worker
poem to M McDermott

1. Heard in meditation: "Inside the chalice of wrath is the blood of Jesus." 2. Vision of a Y of streets.. at its intersection in the bricks.. there was blood 3. Was told by someone that a common symbol is 2 swords upside down in a chalice. This can be 2 former enemies united in the chalice of communion.. or a triangle of 2 men and 1 woman the painful effects of which must be worked out or else cancelled through grace. Four Murderers Given Clemency by God Moses murdered an Egyptian in anger David murdered Uriah in lust. Cain murdered Abel in jealousy. Paul murdered Christians in obedience to a cruel state. All suffered afterward. Yet God spared their lives.

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