Nonsilent Guitar, La Scala



In a dream he said to me:

"I have never known a 3 string

guitar to be silent.."

as he pointed to an apricot

branch.. with 3 twigs..

each playing the music

of apricot making



At La Scala, the opera house,

news that a diva is ill

and cannot appear.. causes


Outside.. the stars play

their silent ecstasy

-saiom shriver-

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that is just, whoa... beautiful....

saiom's picture

God whom you might call Abba, Father, YHWH, Allah, Great Spirit, Shiva, Higher Power, Divine Mother, Kwon Yin.. Your Heart Indweller has supplied the brain, the thoughts, the pen, the paper, the environment of all who write poems. We have attempted to walk on water and have failed. These poems are coming to you from the bottom of the pond. These poems are dedicated to The Lord Of All Trees who is God. and all God's creatures, but especially to you, in gratitude that you ignite them to life with your eyelight. The mind is a belltower into which bird thoughts fly from other places. The mind does not own the thoughts.. is not the source for the thoughts. Nor does the lion's mouth of stone in the fountain originate the water which flows through his mouth. Negative thoughts are wingless birds.. negative thoughts are the biochemistry of sticking in the brain instead of flying. May these birds be well enough to fly. Your comments and criticism are welcomed at the email Since we believe poems are not as important as trees, please if any appeal to you, download on a. the backside of paper b. cotton c. rice d. or 100% recycled. May God quickly fulfill or melt away your heart's wishes.