

Lost in my hunger
To reach for what can't be reached
Skies loom over me

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Hunger Haiku Too

I walk beneath an
insatiable desire
black storm clouds rumble.

I have been encountering the unattainable a lot lately - ah me - Be well, Lady A



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Slightly jealous

I am. I'm stuck going through the motions right now. What's your secret?

"Music is a universal language and needs not be translated. With it, soul speaks to soul" - Songsterr

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I Have No Secrets

and few answers. Expend energy economically for optimum output. Anything works, go for it. If not satiating, stop and re-choose. I think this is how I write. Live prolifically. Patchwork it until a pattern called content emerges.

DO NOT INTERPRET AS ADVICE. Took 4 years to reply.  : )