Nagging Little Piece of Doubt

That nagging little piece of doubt -

It clings to me with such veracity.

I can’t be certain that it’s factual

Or fashioned by my frenzied mind.

I feel so much, this bond between us

I know it’s pure and unrefined.

Yet still it stings me, keeps me haunted

That qualm which seems to bide my time.

I’m here though aren’t I?

Still unseeming -

Skirmishing within the tides.

I’ll fight it, blatant! Held by no guise

So that it may see me -

He may see me.

As I am, for I know not -

How to deceive him

Less not, bereave him!

So why I find I cannot shake it

When all he can do is to profess.

And induce in me that grand desire -

Of love and trust and innocence.

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Jace Robinson's picture

Great, another great pull off, very descriptive, and true to humanity.