Please don't put me to sleep

When my owner dumped me on the side of the road, I became a stray.

After two years of being a loving pet, she threw me away.

I'm really mad and if I was a human, I'd belt her.

I was caught and brought to this animal shelter.

It was very hard to accept my owner's rejection.

But not as hard as accepting that I'm about to be killed by an injection.

Please don't put me to sleep, I don't want to die.

If you'll let me live a little longer, I may get adopted by one of the people who are passing by.

Please don't put me to sleep, it's not fair.

I know that I can be a good pet for someone who really cares.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

This poem is written from a dog's point of view.

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Ruth Lovejoy's picture

excellent piece and very evocative emotionally.