Switching brains

A scientist removed my brain and he removed George Bush's brain too.

He put our brains in each others bodies and there are things I plan to do.

First I'm going to withdraw our troops from Iraq.

Then I'm going to do something to get the price of gas rolled back.

I'm living Bush's life and he's living mine and that's something he hates.

I can make a difference because now I'm President of the United states.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

This is a fictional poem

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Who_ Gives_a_dam's picture

another of your great ones!
and I see you've finally written a brilliant sequel to
"I had sex with my mother-in-law"
All 3 will be hanging in the Randy Johnson hall of fame!

Bryan Adam Tomimbang's picture

Wouldn't we all want this to be non-fictional?

Ruth Lovejoy's picture

love this piece!!!!!