I've lied I've cheated

I deserved how I was treated

No wait a minute

You aren't innocent

Why should I feel guilty

You did the same to me

At least I can admit when I'm wrong

You'll want me back when I'm gone

They always do

Don't take me for a fool

When the attention I crave isn't enough

I often fall quickly in and out of love

I deserve better

Won't even sweat him

Glad I didn't give you the best

Turns out your just like the rest

How can you call yourself a good man

He's eager to treat me better then you can

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I do take my blame

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9inety's picture

T.S. Eliot said,

Humankind cannot bear very much reality"; it is true we think we can deal with reality; we really would rather delude and deceive ourselves. We all know of circumstances like those that you have so aptly, related here in your words that reveal raw honesty and drip with sarcasm. I suppose his tears in the end were dripping down his face too.

With all evolutionary countenance, self-deception is deeply rooted in the human psyche that has not changed much since the dawn of man. It is, of course better to live in the truth. Self-deception only works until it suddenly breaks downs, and in the meantime, we are too dazed to know when the bridge was burned. Some will argue that clarity itself leads to inhumanity or its twin, despair. I do not think that is true, we doo better when we face the truth. Good work here.

I might add I have a poem with the same title, but much different in its composition.





"One of the best results of life, is the torment of love"

Dylan Eliot

teresa_r's picture

I can so relate to
this poem good poem.