The day we say goodbye.

Each time I see you it gets a little bit harder to say goodbye
Each day I miss you a little more.
With every kiss I just want another.

I feel myself falling more each time I hear your laugh.

I want what I can't have. What will never be mine.

I would never ask you to change your life for me. I wouldn't let you.

But in another life... I can only imagine..

In that life I would spend every night showing you how much I love you.
I would fall asleep against your skin. Wake you up with a kiss.
We could go fishing on Sundays. And sleep all day Saturday.

I know the day will come when we have to say goodbye. Tomorrow. A year from now.
It doesn't matter when.. it will be too soon.

Ill miss you being part of my daily life.. the stolen smiles and hidden looks. Sneaking away to just talk..

I wish you could see how amazing you are.. how you make me feel.

I wish so much.


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readmy5tuff's picture

this is awesome!!! but i

this is awesome!!! but i think maybe you should shy away from the wishing and just go for it. make the wishing the other life

question_existing's picture

I would love to shy away from

I would love to shy away from wishing. If it were in my control I wouldn't have to wish, trust me.

lovelife123's picture

I love this!

I love this!

"Everybody is a genuis. But if you judge a fish on it's ability to climb a tree, it will live it's whole life believing that it is stupid"
Albert Einstein