* Water Fairies *

         water faires wave their magic

         wands down upon my home town

      and dance upon all of the water lilies

        as all of little creeks overflow

        and bust their river banks just

      for them to have a little bit of fun .



           * this poem is all mine *          

Author's Notes/Comments: 

this poem is about floods
into my home town they
are always so very bad
here because alot of
people lose their home
and life's to floods .

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patriciajj's picture

I love the way you blended wit and whimsy into a serious subject; this makes a very powerful statement, both light and dark and very moving. My prayers are with the victims of this tragedy. Wonderful work here! Patricia

Netta Jack's picture

Out of disaster somelight. Water Lillies huh? Great perspective and attitude. Thanks for sharing.