*Tampa Bay Buccaneer 's Victory*

                 im so very gald tampa bay

                  won i love the game of

                  football it was so fun

                  to see them enjoy it

                   until the sun,john

                   gruden sending out

                   the right plays to

                  his tough team members

                  and the cheer leaders

                  cheering their wining

                  tampa bay buccaneer's

                  derrick brooks and his

                   freinds to a sweet

                       victory .


            *   this piece is all mine *

Author's Notes/Comments: 

im gald the tampa bay
buccaneer's won the
super bowl it was the
greatest game i was so
gald to watch with my
family and freinds .

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Even here poetry triumphs over football.
I should have placed bets on seeing a
football poem rather than on oakland.
Keep writing - keep the flow.