Let It Rain

August 2002 Poetry

Hand in hand we walk.

Talking about anything that comes to mind.

Finding even more reasons we love each other.

Another day spent together.

Forever on our minds.

Kindly and gently you kiss me.

See what we share?

Bare was the sky.

High, the clouds drift in.

Happening to soak us in rain, but I say,

hey, kiss me again and let it rain.

~*~ Jill ~*~

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I wrote this on 8-9-02. This poem is kinda weird cause the last word of each sentence rhymes with the first word of the next.

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poetvg's picture

gald u wrote it

Kristal Mower's picture

Hey cool! I really like that last line.
check mine out

Flavia Vela's picture

ur rhyming scheme.. is sweet... what a brilliant idea
and i love the last line
its so romantic...
and i love the rain... so naturally i would love this poem

excellente chiquita (excellent girl)