Magic Carpet

How I would love,

to take a magic carpet ride,

to see your lovely smile.

To hold you in my arms,

and never let you go.

Kiss you oh so softly,

and tell you how much,

I love you.

If I could,

Iā€™d whisk you away,

on my magic carpet,

and hold you captive in my love.

We could soar above the clouds,

dance on the milky way,

and catch falling stars,

on my magic carpet ride.

We could leave the world behind,

and never look back.

Just you and I,

in love,

on a magic carpet ride.

~*~ Jill ~*~

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I wrote this on 1-2-02.

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kiwi's picture

There are some lovely lines in this poem.

Smile.. it is the cheapest facelift.

pamschwetz's picture

I liked your poem alot. It reminds me of one I wrote at least ten years ago called Real Dream. I will try to add it. I have so many I need to put on the site to share with others. Keep writing....Pam