Inside Yourself

2001 Poetry

Some of the most beautiful things,

can be found all around us.

The forest's beautiful trees,

the ocean's crashing waves,

a sunset that lights up the sky,

a rainbow with its many colors,

and stars that brighten the night sky.

But the most beautiful of all things,

is what you find in yourself.

Where a forest,



and rainbow,

can all be found.

If you look hard enough within.

You can find these,

and so much more.

~*~ Jill ~*~

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I wrote this on 2-23-01. It was supposed to be an inspirational poem... but I don't think it quite worked out like I wanted it to.. lol

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Ronterro Smith's picture

I think this is a very inspirational poem( Enen though you may not see it...I think that the meaning of this poem is very clearly understood. Great Poem !!