

Karyn Indursky

Indulge in my poetic imagery 

from sprinkled ideas to chocolate lines
into brownie swirls of stanzas
before you sip upon French Vanilla milkshakes
of transitions into strawberry smoothie sensations
alluring your senses until you salivate 
for one more creamy orange soda to quench
your thirst of my poetry's display of
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bishu's picture

Brine in a glass bottle

Brine in a glass bottle at mid sea

Corroding the parched lips and gullet

Was happy as happy could be

Dreaming of the cakes and chocs

While dodging the venomy snakes

Grappling with the murderous crocs

Shore Ahoy !!! a lone coconut tree

Soft pulpy sweet slushy kernel

The nectary sweet coconut water

Indeed the perfect thanksgiving

Hence even at sea he's not lamenting



Poetic_Eyes's picture


bishu i like your view as how a sailor on a boat would spend his Thanksgiving Day with his crew. Well done.