...Eternal Friendship


...Eternal Friendship
Karyn Indursky 


I miss your
beautiful eyes accenting your
loving smile with your
welcoming arms for a hug
and shoulders to lean on.
I miss the smell
of your shower gel
with your shampoo and conditioner.
I miss the ability
to talk with you
and not have to
worry about
exposing my true self.
I could stand there
with you, letting my true
and more be known
without worrying
you'd judge me
or turn your back,
but would embrace it.
I also knew I could
cry in front of you
and you wouldn't
degrade me
or baby me.
You'd let me
let my tears flow
and let my words
run ramped.
You'd let me
be myself and when I
didn't have anything
to say or couldn't,
you let me
listen to you.
You didn't just be
there for me.
You let me be
there for you.
You let me know
what your life consists of,
what you do,
how you feel,
what you think,
what you know,
and all you could.
You let me
into your heart
without hesitation.
You gave me
the best gift of all...
eternal friendship.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I wrote this poem for a lady friend, who I had the privilege of working with. Her name's Cindy Keiser and she's beautiful within and without.

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