
Forest green, and in the leaves

Hides a pair of eyes,

Waiting to attack their prey,

Waiting in disguise.

Leaping through the trees and then

Stopping in their track,

Suddenly, a predator,

Waiting to attack.

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hesyourlifelight's picture

quick and to the point. I like

Corey Ramsay's picture

i must admit terri, you are a great poet. like i said @ school, you are going to become something great. but then again you alresdy are

sam's picture

I think that this poem is very lifelike (real) and it is one that I will recomend to others

Stephanie Cox's picture

Quick, catchy and chilling - absolutely excellent, I LOVE this one. It's fantastic, well done. HOW did you come up with this???????????????

Toni ------'s picture

hiya terri i think this poem has a good rhythm i think its short and snappy