Thus Spake Tho

If for all eternal time,

I could understand a morsel of woman mind,

Then I would admit that I am blind,

And hold the illusion of inseparable crime.

It is not for that understanding that I fish,

Nor feast upon another dainty dish,

But, to complete my life as simply this,

That to all good poets they complete their wish.

Whether it be to meter precise,

Or publish freely within their own life,

Or place upon page freedom from emnity and stife,

Or live a day without a lie,

Or find a vision that cannot be written,

Or rise to heights that before be smitten,

Or be a panther and not a kitten,

I know these be my own in bidding.

There be no bitterness in review,

That causes my word put into view,

The love that beheld and work you do,

Does liberate the Gorgon’s knot some choose.

For the merit of the lost and found,

Does squarely place the gifts around,

And beauty sought may not abound,

But smiling I did rest the ground.

So this no longer is my poet’s dream,

From gracious lofts to depths unseen,

But more that I now do wish to clean,

Forget me please for I have not been.

And if you think that this is not so,

Then to my world I cannot go,

Where fields of poppies gather and grow,

And remember then I was not known.

© R.Elliott 2000

Author's Notes/Comments: 

For the misunderstandings that I cannot explain, all I can say is thank-you for your love and thank-you for your time. And hey it's only you that know.

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Athalia Lystra's picture

The flow of this piece was marvelous. The rhyming followed coherently and I highly enjoyed your style.
I dunno if I’d be reading too much into things if I assume that the ‘poppies’ were not just a mere mention of flower fields but rather fields of bereavement.
An interesting insight into a writer’s soul.

Martin Haas's picture

Rich, I can't say why I liked it, butI did because of the good parts, but it's intent seems to be in response to a private happening, or to a certain woman? The level I liked, and that it seemed to be addressing in part, was the fact that so many of us write, and there are many different reasons we write. Then, it seemed to me it was dealing with whether fame would come, and that not being important, but that whether this woman understood was the important thing. Stanzas 3 and 4 were the best because about all of us, using your own experiences to clarify. When you use "you" in 5th and last stanza, I got the impression you had a particular person in mind, and, should, if that is the case, make that clearer. Resonated to the ideas, and like how you wrap it up at end. Some good writing!