
I saw the path I’d walk,

The road was clear to me,

With husband and children,

We would be happy and free.

The plan was so simple,

My life would be a cake walk,

Life would be happy and full,

Late night giggles and talk.

With kids to play and teach,

Picnics and kites in the park.

Hide-N-Seek and fire flies,

Adventures in joy after dark.

Things just haven’t worked out,

Real life entered the picture,

Sick kids and arguments,

Bills to pay, how? We’re never sure.

Life took me down a path,

I had never planned to take,

One thing that it has taught,

Left to myself, a mess, I make.

So to God I must yield,

My heart and love and child.

Trusting in the Lord’s comfort,

For peace even when life is wild.

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