For Your Safety

For Your Safety

Clark Steven Lupton

August 17, 2007

The rules for safety are a lot

But some people won’t follow them if they won’t get caught

Some motorcyclists won’t wear helmets on their head

They worry about getting caught, not about getting dead

Some people drink and drive

They also care about getting caught, not staying alive

They care about their parents and brothers

But they don’t care about killing others

Some don’t put on their seatbelts it’s true

As if it’s not the manly thing to do

The sign at the gas station says “Do not smoke”

But some do anyway as if it were just a joke

I saw a man dangle a baby over a 3rd floor mall rail

Fathers like those should be put in jail

Some people walk with unleashed dogs at night

They think they won’t run away or bite

And there’s the whole family on a motorbike

It’s not the safety; it’s the convenience that they like

Motorcylces zip in and out of traffic as if they don’t care

Don’t they know we don’t know that they’re there?

And cars will cut you off at the left from the right lane

It makes you wonder if they are all insane

And what about the people who text at the wheel?

It’s not road safety but urgency to text that they feel

Accidents happen each and everyday

If you think they won’t happen to you that’s so gay

Follow safety rules, I’ll tell you why

It’s not about getting caught, it’s so you won’t die

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Every day I see people riding motorcyles without helmets (yes, the riders as well as the motorcycles have no helmets :o) I go to parties and I'm amazed at the guys that drink a half bottle of vodka even though they're going to drive home, and it may be my American upbringing, but I am shocked at people who won't (as oppossed to forget)put on their safety belts. Well it affects my sensibilities enough to express my feelings in rhyme.
By the way my American grandmother died because she didn't put on her safety belt. I don't want you to die that way.So be safe and die the fun way instead, death by TGI Fridays Mud Pie :o)
-Thanks to Punkin for contributing a couple extra safety violations :O)

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Aika Copon's picture

Hey, Unca Steve! I so agree with your poem! Maybe you can add another stanza about how motorcyclists are so damn annoying with the way they just weave in and out of traffic and pretend that they don't see other vehicles. Oh, and add another stanza about how some drivers can be so stupid because they just cut others in traffic and pretend that they don't see. Rawr!

All in all, your poem is cool. I like. *nods*