Dancing in Your Song

Family & Friends

You see the world as it is,
sometimes a zoo with chaos
on both sides of the bars,
a theater, a crucible,
a chain, a promise,

but always more than what
it seems.


How could I have known when
I held you in my arms years
ago that I was holding hidden
lightening that would sear
my skies with gold,
a lifeline to a shore a
little closer to heaven
where love just is
like the worlds that
always were.


God, who tore fire from a void,
made music in a vacuum,
shaped a radiant soul beneath
this doubting heart
and handed the world a small
light to improve by
when He trusted me with the
potential that grew
and discovered
and became the miracle
that is you.


Patricia Joan Jones

Author's Notes/Comments: 

For my son, Stephen

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SSmoothie's picture

Just incredible! A perfectly

Just incredible! A perfectly executed dedication! Hugss

Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS    

"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."

patriciajj's picture

Thank you for reading this

Thank you for reading this personally meaningful expression and giving it your coveted stamp of approval. I'm deeply moved and unspeakably grateful.

onelilartist's picture

Only another mother could understand how eloquently you spoke here for all of us. I was very touched by this work. I too have felt the same awe at realizing the wonderful specimen of humanity in my arms came from me---but by God's grace. This is a blessing to read.

Thanks for visiting my page. I really like your poetry.

Jessica onelilartist

allets's picture

Nature Celebrates Itself

Mothers know ;D



patriciajj's picture

Thank you for reading and

Thank you for reading and interpreting my expression so beautifully.