Chain Reaction

You do that

so I do this

he did that cuz of me

and she in turn

responds to him

goes on and on you see

It's a chain reaction

and it's never ending

we all influence

each other in some way

each and every day

cause and effect

goes on and on down the line

it's a chain reaction

Author's Notes/Comments: 

another from early 80s lyric book two but new to you

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pamschwetz's picture

Thanks. I believe it was inspired by J Geils band Love love her and she loves him...etc...whatever happened to them? I had their cassette tape but wore it out like a lot of my cassettes...that sucks...too many cassettes gone bad...anyways...I always try to comment on inspiration and stuff and give credit where credit is due and I believe I wrote this one cuz of J Geils band and if they are out there somewhere still would love to hear their stuff again...Pam

fighter4life's picture

I love this one, it's awesome.

Fran's picture

This is so right on Pam~ I like this poem very much~Fran~