Drifting Off

How many times do you find yourself drifting off

like you're here but not here

you are definitely somewhere else in your mind

but where are you

and why do you go there

and what do you accomplish

and why does that happen

what can we learn from that

why do we drift off

is the present moment not enough to capture our attention

is it too boring

or overwhelming

or disappointing

or too much to comprehend

and why when you are in the middle of a sentence

do you stop dead in your tracks

and forget where you were going with that thought

were you interrupted in someway

that confused what you wanted to say

so much going on

too many questions

not enough answers

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Just thoughts to ponder...if you have any answers please reply. I have too many unanswered questions...don't we all?

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Mimi's picture

i like this poem, i think it's better than the absence one...this one has a little more structure compare to the other one...i too sometimes wonder that, intresting questions

fighter4life's picture

These are really good questions that I don't really have the answers to but I can tell you this: you are not the only one who is like this, everyone is. I used to worry about myself cause this happens to me but then slowly I started to realize that everyone does this so don't worry there is nothing wrong with your mind, you have much company. Well done.

Ruth Lovejoy's picture

great write Pam!