Awareness Matters in Manners in Forks in the Road of Life

There are many forks in the road of life

but how do we choose the right one

which way do we turn

how do we learn

the right way to go

if we are sensitive

easily hurt or amused

or happy or sad

if we are aware of what makes us feel

how we feel

then we must realize what makes others

feel what they feel

and be conscious of our choice of words

or actions or interactions

just plain courtesy

love thy neighbor as thyself

judge not lest you be judged

so many helpful hints

passed along from ages ago

if we only pay attention

to the message

if we could listen more than speak

good listeners are cherished

though sometimes embarassed

from compliments they don't know how to accept

being humble as they truly are

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Today's Quote

Manners are a sensitive awareness of the feelings of others. If you have that awareness, you have good manners, no matter what fork you use.

-Emily Post

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Delicate Rose's picture

A good positive poem. Nice one!

Hm.. :)