Apologize Only if Absolutely Necessary

Apologize, don't ask for permission

make that your mission

if you need to

do what you gotta do

sometimes the means justifies the end

if it does do not pretend

to need to say you are sorry

or need to worry

bout anything at all

stand tall, don't fall

you gave your all

maybe need to stall

till they get it

if not yet

have patience and persist

know common sense does exist

just takes awhile to get there sometimes

ok running out of rhymes

so I gotta go

on with the show

ya know?

Author's Notes/Comments: 

If it's a good idea, go ahead and do it. It is much easier to apologize than it is to get permission.

Grace Murray Hopp

I totally agree
this inspired poetry
from me
so take it as it is
take me as I am

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Mimi's picture

is it suppose to be "no" before "need" in this line "to need to say you are sorry...i like the parts were there were end ryhmes that rhyme with "all", that's my fav part...one thing that i think that threw off the messae n strenght u develop is the ending...other than that i liek the message it's very ummm lost the word lol, but i like the message in here, very powerful...i admire how u can write to make it relate to many readers n their thinking...well written pam