Abstract Beware Part Two

Don't pocket the goods before they're done

The perpetual frowner cracked a smile - his face broke

Plastic glasses glass houses stone people

Fiction is non-fiction fairy tales are real

Scarves flew in the still of the night the wind didn't help much

The balloon blew up and I popped...corny

Neon glass shattered in the stream of consciousness

Cigarette buts, what ifs

Never write in the crack of the sidewalk it doesn't work it collects unemployment

Streets of sanitation in insane-itory conditions

Condiments are usually useless if you don't relish life

Forming shapes of shapeless form I inform you

Burgeoning bargains galore go for it

Happy belated sad sack of potatoes

Psychedelic schizophrenia sets in my mind I mind

Rally for reality what good does it do

Levitating llamas left us alone

Will to win but will we win

The locked door was open to us allowing the secrets within to transpire and transform us forever

Faded figments of my imagination flashed simultaneously

Wheels don't spin birds don't fly reality what a concept

Begin don't start be don't do live don't die

Why are you here and now and not before and after

Aftermath espresso life after death afterwards afterworlds

Dirty dozen= clean pair x 6

Sailing kites flying boats cause me to emote

Is this really what I wrote?


Author's Notes/Comments: 

this was another poem I wrote with my friend where I used only my own lines and you don't see her responses to these lines..my fave line in this one is
the perpetual frowner cracked a smile ...his face broke...I love that line...hope ya like it all the way through...

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honey811's picture

I was reading this and going hu I don't understand but interesting. This piece is a form of abstract it's confusing but yet transforming.

fighter4life's picture

I love this poem, excellent descriptions.

Ruth Lovejoy's picture

another good set of analogies!